A complete healing or freedom from pain that is the objective of advpainmd.com and Dr Ajay Kumar. Though this is the objective of almost all hospitals all overthe world, sometimes this may not be possible. Today, treatment has become a business. Some clinics simply snatch money from the pockets of patients.
However, Dr Ajay Kumar holds some values in his life. He believes in the happiness of his patients. So, patients get complete cure with less expense from here.
Pain Management
An anesthesiologist who is a high level of care, either as a primary physician or consultant, for patients experiencing problems with acute, chronic and / or cancer pain in both hospital and ambulatory settings. Patient care needs may also be coordinated with other specialists.
Our staff of 6 anesthesiologists specializing in the care of patients with complaints of back and neck pain that radiates to the extremities. We also treat neuropathic pain due to diabetes or vascular insufficiency, nerve entrapment, scar neuromas, facial pain or complex regional pain syndrome. Treatment options
may include epidural, nerve root or facet injections of anesthetics and / or steroids, radiofrequency, cryotherapy or implantation of spinal cord stimulators.We also have patients with pain caused by malignancies with a variety of procedures that best suits the nature of the disease, including insertion and management of morphine pump.
An anesthesiologist who is a high level of care, either as a primary physician or consultant, for patients experiencing problems with acute, chronic and / or cancer pain in both hospital and ambulatory settings. Patient care needs may also be coordinated with other specialists.
Our staff of 6 anesthesiologists specializing in the care of patients with complaints of back and neck pain that radiates to the extremities. We also treat neuropathic pain due to diabetes or vascular insufficiency, nerve entrapment, scar neuromas, facial pain or complex regional pain syndrome. Treatment options may include epidural, nerve root or facet injections of anesthetics and / or steroids' Neuropathy Doctors In PA ', radiofrequency, cryotherapy or implantation of spinal cord stimulators.
We also have patients with pain caused by malignancies with a variety of procedures that best suits the nature of the disease, including insertion and management of morphine pump.
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